Monday, 26 August 2013

Healthy Foods: Oats Versus Quinoa


Oats for Weight Loss: Oats contain soluble fibre that gives you a feeling of satiety and prevents you from reaching for an unhealthy snack. Oats also reduce cravings and helps you lose weight.

Oats for Reducing Cholesterol:
The fibres present in oats heal to ‘clump’ or soak the cholesterol. Studies have shown that eating as little as 3 grams of soluble oat fibre daily, present in one bowl of oatmeal, can reduce cholesterol by 8-23 percent in people with high cholesterol.

Oats for Digestion: Since oats have a rich source of fibre, it aids digestion. It works for constipation and also works as a natural laxative. While over the counter laxatives may provide quick relief, they tends to reduce body weight drastically, but oats maintains healthy body weight. Consume oats to improve your bowel movements, as it acts like a natural scrub for the intestines.

Oats for Diabetes: Oats contains the lowest amount of glycemic index, that is, it has the least effect on blood sugar levels. For diabetics, it is important to increase your intake of oats as it controls the glucose levels in the blood. Oats also absorbs sugar, which reduces the dependence of releasing insulin.

Oats in India: There are several names for oats in India:

Hindi – Jai

Urdu - Jau

Gujarati and Marathi – Jav

ALSO READ: Oats Recipe: 10 Delicious Breakfast Recipe with Oats


Quinoa for Weight Loss: You can consume large quantities of quinoa and not put on weight due to its low calorie intake. Just like oats, quinoa also keeps you satisfied for a longtime and fights hunger pangs. It also absorbs less calories and fat, which aids weight loss.

Quinoa for Cholesterol: Quinoa should be included in your diet if you are trying to reduce cholesterol, as it can bring down cholesterol levels and increase HDL cholesterol. Quinoa shields blood vessels from damages by inflammation and fights heart diseases.

Quinoa for Diabetes: Quinoa is a rich source of protein and fibre that plays an important part in regulating blood sugar levels. Inflammation is a risk factor for developing Type 2 diabetes, since quinoa has anti-inflammatory properties; it reduces the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Quinoa in India: In India, Quinoa is called bathua.

ALSO READ: Workout Snack: Recipe for Muscle Building

*Images courtesy: © Thinkstock photos/ Getty Images

via healthmeup

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